Make a donation to The Hackney Society
We rely on your donations for our work
Currently, we do not receive any core funding. In the distant past we received a small grant from Hackney Council. This lack of financial support has made a huge impact on our work. We currently do not have any paid staff, an office or sufficient capacity to run high-profile campaigns and events.
We operate entirely through the kindness and dedication of our Trustees and volunteers, and fund operational activities through donations, memberships and proceeds of publications and events. We occasionally obtain grant funding for specific projects.
If you want to make a one off-donation to the Hackney Society, the best way is via PayPal Giving

If you'd like to set up a regular direct debit donation direct from your bank account, contact us with the amount and frequency and we'll send you a link to a very simple web page where you can do so.
If you pay tax in the UK and want us to boost the donation by getting the tax back of, we can claim Gift Aid on your donation (only possible if we don't give you anything in return), please ensure you complete the relevant declaration when making your donation.
If you would like to support the Hackney Society and its work either as a member, volunteer, or sponsor please contact us. Due to limited resources we may not be able to respond as quickly as we would like, please be patient and thanks for thinking of us.
Project funding
In the past we have received project grants from the following funders:
- Heritage Lottery Fund
- Team Hackney
- Awards for All
- MLA (London)
- Renaissance London
- Hackney Parochial Charities
- Speakers' Charities
We would like to thank all these funders for their generous financial support. We would also like to thank our members for their continued support.
This page was added on 05/02/2015.