Kingsland CAAC April 2024

Planning Applications for Kingsland CAAC meeting for April 2024


2024/0213 Junction East, 1 Kingsland Road, E2 8AA Replacement ground floor windows and doors. Full Planning Permission (Jessica Neeve)

No objection.


2024/0459 275 Kingsland Road, E2 8AS Proposed change of use of front room at ground floor from office (Class E) to form part of an existing self-contained dwelling (Class C3) Full Planning Permission (Laurence Ackrill)

We object to this application. There is minimal information and no layout of the proposed flat. We are surprised that this application was validated.


2024/0585 The Glory, 281 Kingsland Road, E2 8AS Upgrading of the existing public house (sui generis) at ground and basement level, upgrading and extending the existing residential accommodation at first and second floors, and construction of a roof level mansard extension with external roof terrace to facilitate the creation of 6 x self-contained flats (Class C3). Full Planning Permission (Laurence Ackrill)

We have no objection to this application but we would have liked to have had more detail regarding the zinc cladding at ground floor level on the proposed extension.


2024/0537 The Diner, 600 Kingsland Road, E8 4AH Temporary installation of two externally illuminated shroud screen advertisements until 15/07/2024. Advertisement Consent (Catherine Nichol)

We object to this application. After several years, during which advertising was displayed on the building without the proper consent, an appeal was allowed for advertising on a temporary basis until November 2023. This consent was further extended until April 2024. According to the schedule of works, dated April 2022 submitted with this application, the repair and refurbishment of this building was estimated to be completed within a twelve month timeframe. It is not entirely clear how much of the work remains unfinished but there does not appear to be any progress being made now. The continued presence of scaffolding on such a restricted corner next to the entrance to the Overground and the pedestrian crossings on both Dalston Lane and the Kingsland Road should not be allowed to continue indefinitely. We note that the request for retention of the screens is for a further three months. However unless the Planning Department has strong evidence to indicate that the works will be completed within that timeframe we think that they should refuse this application.


2024/0207 Trade Price Catering, 325 Kingsland Road, E8 4DL Retrospective application for first-floor rear extension Full Planning Permission (Matthew Hollins)

We object to this application. We are concerned about the quality of the existing extension at first floor level and the proposed cladding. This addition will easily be seen from Downham Road. There is also a lack of detail provided with the application.


2024/0214 Trade Price Catering, 325 Kingsland Road, E8 4DL Proposed roof terrace at second floor level. Full Planning Permission (Matthew Hollins)

We object to the proposed terrace which, with its 1.7m obscured glazing, will be visually obtrusive.


2023/2598 10 Albion Square, E8 4ES Redo the existing steps leading up to the front door to fix damp in the basement room underneath stairs and to improve exterior appearance. This will include: - scalping existing surfaces - adding waterproof membrane on waterproof cement - laying lime mortar and full length 40mm bullnose treads and risers made from York stone. - railings on the one plinth to be cut down by 12mm, the penetrating gaps filled in and around the railings. Resurfaced with waterproof cement. - both plinths on either side of the stairs to be repainted Listed Building Consent (Jonathan Bainbridge)

No objection.


2024/0302 Frederick Building, 76 Tottenham Road, N1 4BD Amalgamation of two adjoining ground floor flats into a single family dwelling . Internal refurbishments and alterations to the elevations. Changes to ground floor fenestration including reinstatement of original openings and replacement of windows and doors with triple glazed units. Installation of Air Source Heat Pump in rear garden. Full Planning Permission (Clive Theobald)

We have no objection to the reconfiguration of the two flats into one and the associated internal alterations. We appreciate that the glazing will be increased to completely fill the window openings under the Victorian arches on the front and side elevations. However we consider that the use of metal rather than timber framing is not in keeping with the rest of this former school building.


2024/0501 139 Balls Pond Road, N1 4BG Installation of suspended acoustic ceiling system to ground floor ceiling (lower flat) separating flats. Listed Building Consent (Clive Theobald)

We have no objection to the application in principle but we are concerned that the replacement ceiling may be deeper than the original and there is no drawing to illustrate either this or the effect on the windows. We ask the Listed Buildings Officer to keep a close eye on this application.


2024/0505 59 Northchurch Road, N1 4EE Demolition of existing single storey garage and erection of a part single, part two storey rear/side extension and external alterations to include replacement of entrance gates, refurbishment/replacement of windows, associated landscaping and widening of front drive; internal alterations. Listed Building Consent (Danny Huber)

No objection.


2024/0504 59 Northchurch Road, N1 4EE Demolition of existing single storey garage and erection of a part single, part two storey rear/side extension and external alterations to include replacement of entrance gates, refurbishment/replacement of windows, associated landscaping and widening of front drive. Householder Planning (Danny Huber)

No objection.


2024/0586 Flat B, 55 Ufton Road, N1 4HE A full planning application with conservation area consent for alterations and a single storey rear extension. Full Planning Permission (Clive Theobald)

We have no objection to converting the front window at lower ground floor into a door, although we would have preferred a style similar to that at No 43 Ufton Road which employed the original window opening and reflected the dimensions of the window above at ground floor level. We do however object to the amount of glazing proposed for the roof of the existing and new infill extension at the rear. This will be a source of considerable light pollution and cause disturbance both to the flat above and the neighbouring properties.


2024/0480 46 Ufton Road, N1 5BX Replacement of boundary treatment between the rear gardens of 46 Ufton Road and Nos. 27, 29, and 31 Northchurch Road Full Planning Permission (Danny Huber)

No objection.


2024/0481 46 Ufton Road, N1 5BX Replacement of boundary treatment between the rear gardens of 46 Ufton Road and Nos. 27, 29, and 31 Northchurch Road Listed Building Consent (Danny Huber)

No objection.


2024/0163 14a Ardleigh Road, N1 4HP ??Installation of low stone wall and iron railings and living wall, new stone pillar and iron gate to create pedestrian entrance. Installation of timber enclosure bin and buggy store, together with new timber fence and associated hard and soft landscaping. Full Planning Permission

The applicant has pre-empted planning consent and installed the new bin and buggy store. However it has not been built according to the design shown in the proposed plan (drawing 642886) but is similar to the construction shown in the proposed elevation (drawing 642887). But on both drawings it is stated that the height of the store will match that of the stone pillars whereas it is at least 450mm higher. The timber will apparently match the decking but has been stained a shade of brown which is very unsympathetic to the brickwork of the building. The store is visually obtrusive and we object to this application.


2024/0640 2 Albion Square, E8 4ES Erection of an outbuilding. Householder Planning

We have no objection to the proposed outbuilding but we do object to the rooflight which is unnecessary given the amount of glazing on the front of the building and the high level windows at the rear. The roof light will be an additional source of light pollution.


2024/0641 2 Albion Square, E8 4ES Erection of an outbuilding within the curtilage of a Listed Building. Listed Building Consent

We have no objection to the proposed outbuilding but we do object to the rooflight which is unnecessary given the amount of glazing on the front of the building and the high level windows at the rear. The roof light will be an additional source of light pollution.


2022/0963 Land To The Rear Of, 64 Middleton Road, E8 4BS Demolition of mechanic’s garage (use class B2) and erection of a two-storey 3 bedroom dwellinghouse (use class C3). [For consultation purposes: the PV panels and ASHP have been removed and the extension at 62 Middleton Road has been included on the drawings]. Full Planning Permission (Alix Hauser)

We still consider that the proposed two storey building on the land to the rear of 64 Middleton Road would negatively impact on the amenity of the current and future occupants of Nos 62 and 64. We therefore object to the application.


2024/0533 303 Queensbridge Road, E8 3LX Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed: New dwellinghouses on detached blocks of flats. Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) - Schedule 2, Part 20, Class A, involving additional floor level to provide 2 no. dwellings Prior approval - new dwellings (Laurence Ackrill)

We strongly object to this application. The appeal inspector, when considering the earlier application to build two storeys on the roof of the building, found that the proposed height of the building would be harmful to the setting of the adjacent Queensbridge school which is a non-designated heritage asset. Even with only a single additional storey the building will still have a detrimental effect on the school. The building at 303 Queensbridge Road currently sits comfortably alongside its immediate neighbours and all have pitched roofs. The proposed flat roof will be visible in the long views from all directions and will appear incongruous.

This page was added on 18/05/2024.