Annual General Meeting

TALK on Monday 7 December 2009

Ray Rogers will be retiring from his post as Head of Conservation and Urban Design at Hackney Council in early December 2009. He came from English Heritage to work in Hackney in 2004. He has kindly agreed to talk about his career, what has been achieved during his time in post and his plans for the future. He also contributed an essay on Woodberry Down Comprehensive School for our latest publication ‘Hackney – Modern, Restored, Forgotten, Ignored’ which features 40 buildings to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Hackney Society. The talk will be followed by the AGM and an update of the Society’s work and plans for the future.

Guest speaker

Ray Rogers, former Head of LBH Conservation and Urban Design




Pages of Hackney Bookshop, 70 Lower Clapton Road, E5 0RN


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Agenda_for_AGM.pdf (421k)
Agenda for AGM

This page was added on 23/09/2009.