Kingsland CAAC February 2024

Planning Applications for Kingsland CAAC meeting for February 2024


2023/2864 253, 253a & 255, Kingsland House, 255 Kingsland Road, E2 8AN Change of use of part of ground floor and the upper floor levels of the property from a hostel (sui generis) to a hotel (class C1) Full Planning Permission (Laurence Ackrill)

We object to this application as presented. We think that the applicant should improve both the state of the building and the internal facilities to justify a change of use to a hotel.


2024/0039 14 Pearson Street, E2 8JD - Repair staircase to basement - Reposition column in basement. Changing column type from large I-beam to small beam - Replace front facing windows on first and second floor (like for like) Householder Planning (Clive Theobald)

We have no objection in principle to this application but we are concerned at the lack of detail. For a Listed Building there is insufficient information on the proposed works. For example we have been told that the windows to be replaced are not original but the drawing does not suggest the careful construction of a replacement Georgian window.


2024/0040 14 Pearson Street, E2 8JD Repair staircase to basement - Reposition column in basement. Changing column type from large I-beam to small beam - Replace front facing windows on first and second floor (like for like) Listed Building Consent (Clive Theobald)

We have no objection in principle to this application but we are concerned at the lack of detail. For a Listed Building there is insufficient information on the proposed works. For example we have been told that the windows to be replaced are not original but the drawing does not suggest the careful construction of a replacement Georgian window.


2023/2608 Cherryz, 422 Kingsland Road, E8 4AA Advertisement consent for internally illuminated fascia signage. Advertisement Consent (Erin Glancy)

We object to this application, the description of which indicates fascia signage. The information given in the application form would appear to relate to a sign with the maximum projecting distance from the face of the building of 1.8. However the sign will not project over the footpath. There is no information about the source of the proposed illumination.


2024/0064 22a Englefield Road, N1 4ET The construction of a rear dormer extension, the installation of rooflights over the front and rear roof slope. Householder Planning (Laurence Ackrill)

We object to the roof lights on the front roof slope which could be incorporated into the flat roof of the dormer. We think that the window in the dormer on the rear elevation should be smaller. However we have no objection to the proposed conservation style roof lights on the west elevation.


2024/0078 22a Englefield Road, N1 4ET The construction of a rear dormer extension, the installation of rooflights and a roof terrace. Householder Planning (Laurence Ackrill)

As stated in our comments on applications 2023/2943 and 2024/0064 we object to the conservation skylights in the roof facing the street and think that the window in the dormer at the rear should be smaller. We also object to the terrace which will intrude on the amenity of the neighbouring houses. We note that the application lacks a detailed description of the materials for the rear dormer extension.


2023/2763 104 Culford Road, N1 4HN Erection of a single storey rear outbuilding Householder Planning (Danny Huber)

We have some serious concerns about this application. The proposed garden room will rise 1.5m above the walls on either side and 1.65m above the wall to the rear and will be visually overbearing for the neighbours. As the building would be positioned very close to the boundaries of the site there is no space for any remedial work either to the surrounding walls or to the proposed garden room. The Design & Access statement reports that two trees are to be removed whereas the Arboricultural report indicates three trees.


2024/0055 82 Buckingham Road, N1 4JE Replacement of 6x front and 6x rear timber-framed single glazed windows with timber-framed double glazed windows; replacement of front and rear doors Full Planning Permission (Thomas Russell)

We think it a shame that the applicant is not taking the opportunity to harmonise the front elevation of this house by installing matching windows. At number 84, the pair to number 82, the windows are the traditional 6 pane over 6 pane as are the majority of the windows on the rear of number 82. This would look so much better than the existing mxture of 2 over 1, 1 over 1 and 2 over 2 that are not original. Once again the D&A erroneously refers to six roads running North -South in De Beauvoir when Balls Pond, Tottenham, Buckingham, Englefield, Northchurch and Downham Roads all run East -West.


2024/0054 57 Buckingham Road, N1 4JG Replacement of 5x front and 6x rear timber-framed single glazed windows with timber-framed double glazed windows; replacement of front and rear doors Full Planning Permission (Thomas Russell)

We have no objection to the replacement windows and doors. However we would like to point out that the drawing of the existing and proposed elevations is incorrect. Window W01 on the ground floor of the property is not 2 over 2 panes but 6 over 6 panes and is correctly shown in the window schedule. We would also like to correct the inaccurate statement in the D&A that there are six N-S roads in De Beauvoir. Balls Pond, Tottenham, Buckingham, Englefield, Northchurch and Downham Roads all run East -West. We have drawn attention to this mistake on at least one previous application by Potter Rapper for works to a house in De Beauvoir.


2023/2860 21 De Beauvoir Square, N1 4LE Replacement of the existing garage with an outbuilding. Installation of an extractor fan in the second-floor bathroom within the main house. Householder Planning (Thomas Russell)

We have no objection to this application but we trust that permeable materials will be used for the patio to limit rainwater run off.


2024/0062 21 De Beauvoir Square, N1 4LE Replacement of the existing garage with an outbuilding. Installation of an extractor fan in the second-floor bathroom within the main house. Listed Building Consent (Thomas Russell)

We have no objection to this application but we trust that permeable materials will be used for the patio to limit rainwater run off.


2023/2895 Ground Floor Unit, 29 Downham Road, N1 5AA Change of use from B2 (motorbike repair) to Class E (commercial, business and service) Full Planning Permission (Micheal Garvey)

No objection.


2023/2904 15 Orsman Road, N1 5RA Replacement pitched roofs and installation of rooflights Full Planning Permission (Matthew Hollins)

We have no objection to replacing the roof and the rooflights. However we would much prefer the use of slates rather than cement fibre tiles. Slates would last considerably longer and are more ecofriendly.


2022/0963 Land To The Rear Of, 64 Middleton Road, E8 4BS Demolition of mechanic’s garage (use class B2) and erection of a two-storey 3 bedroom dwellinghouse (use class C3). [For consultation purposes: the PV panels and ASHP have been removed and the extension at 62 Middleton Road has been included on the drawings]. Full Planning Permission (Alix Hauser)

The revised drawings submitted as part of this reconsultation prompted the KCAAC to reconsider the whole proposal for the land to the rear of 64 Middleton Road rather than just focussing on the various aspects which were the reason for the earlier reconsultations. We had been misled by the marking of the land at number 62 so that we were less concerned by the impact of the proposed building on that property. It would appear that the plans are still not drawn to reflect that building and garden as they exist. We are now of the opinion that the proposed two storey building on the land behind number 64 would negatively impact on the occupants of number 62. We therefore object to this application.

This page was added on 18/05/2024.