Migrate your membership from Standing Order
Thank you for previously joining by standing order - please change to Direct Debit or PayPal to continue your membership.
Thank you for previously renewing your membership by Standing Order. We wrote to all members with Standing Orders in early 2017 to ask you to migrate to another method.
Your existing Standing Order to our old bank account will not be valid so to ensure you remain a member you will need to take some action, if you have not already done so.
Whilst Standing Orders have proved useful to The Hackney Society and our members in the past, they are inflexible - particularly when changing subscription levels or changing bank. In 2017 we changed our bankers to The Co-operative Bank and despite assertions from the Co-op to the contrary, it transpires your standing order will probably not have been transferred automatically.
To avoid this in the future and to give us the flexibility to review our membership fees - which have been at this level for many years - we'd prefer those members who are still on standing orders to move to another method of payment that is more flexible - Direct Debit (preferred) or PayPal (via credit, debit card, or other options).
Renew via annual Direct Debit (PREFERRED)
Renewing via Direct Debit is quick and simple using GoCardless - simply follow the relevant link below, enter your name, email address and bank details and you're done. You can cancel the direct debit at any time and GoCardless will email you at least 7 days before renewal to give you a chance to review your direct debit. Your first renewal will be taken within 7 days and annually thereafter.
This is the simplest and cheapest option for The Hackney Society to manage so is our preferred method.
To renew annually via direct debit for
For other classes of membership, please email us and we'll set you up with the relevant Direct Debit.
Remember to cancel your existing Standing Order to avoid any attempt to collect it, and unnecessary correspondence in the future. Get in touch with us if you have any questions or want to use a different postal address for correspondence to the one you entered with GoCarldess.
Renew via annual PayPal - for credit cards, debit cards or other PayPal methods
To renew via PayPal, you will need a PayPal account (which is easy to set up) and can pay by credit, debit card, or bank account that is already linked to your PayPal account or you can use your existing PayPal balance.
Choose the class of membership from the drop-down box below and click 'Subscribe'. You'll be charged the relevant annual fee within the next few days and annually at around the same time thereafter, until you cancel.
Membership categories |

Continuing with your standing order
We value your ongoing commitment to The Hackney Society and whilst we'd prefer you to renew by Direct Debit or PayPal, we are happy to continue to receive your membership fees via Standing Order. However we will likely review our membership fees and it is possible that your fixed standing order will no longer entitle you to the same level of membership as you previously held. Email us for Standing Order bank details.
Contact us if you have any queries.
email: membership@hackneysociety.org
This page was added on 21/01/2017.