Shoreditch CAAC August 2021

Planning Applications for Shoreditch CAAC meeting for August 2021


2021/0537 Westland Antiques, St Michaels Church Mark Street, EC2A 4ER Erection of five storey (plus basement) building (Use Class E(g)) on land to north of the former church; works to former church including removal of existing internal structures and erection of new partial mezzanine floor and new entrances. (FOR CONSULTATION PURPOSES: THIS IS A NEW APPLICATION SUBMITTED DUE TO I.T. ISSUES EXPERIENCED BY THE COUNCIL. COMMENTS SUBMITTED ON PREVIOUS APPLICATION/S CANNOT BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION). Full Planning Permission (Nick Bovaird)

Object. Planning permission was granted at the 28 July subcommittee meeting.We reviewed this in April and our response was – “Object. We find the loss of the view of the church building from Leonard St unacceptable. We suggest and reduction in the bulk and massing of the five-story building to preserve as much as the existing street view. The scheme will increase pressure on the Mark Street Gardens which is a much-needed tranquil amenity in this dense urban area. Having the western entrance to the church reinstated will only add to this pressure. Has hackney considered the impact of the scheme on the adjacent public gardens.


2021/1386 Flat 1, Celia House Arden Estate, N1 6RB Replacement of uPVC windows with new uPVC double glazed windows Full Planning Permission (Micheal Garvey)

No objection


2021/1387 30 - 31 Shoreditch High Street, E1 6PG Temporary installation of a decorative shroud screen, being a 1:1 image of the existing facade with an inset area for advertising and 3x flood lights (external illumination) across the front elevation, in association with building works. Advertisement Consent [Application Refuse] (Kim Aukett)



2021/1427 Wing On Express Ltd, 88 Hoxton Street, N1 6LP Change of use from shop E (a) to nail spa salon (sui generis) and installation of roller shutter. Full Planning Permission (Micheal Garvey)

Object. Change of use and installation of roller shutter have already been in place for some months now. Roller shutters deaden a street scene and attract graffiti and ASB (this is police advice). The shop front design guide: “Solid roller shutter blinds, when closed, can make a parade of shops appear very unattractive and will normally be unacceptable.”. Confusingly, the design & access statement in the application states "No alterations are proposed to the external elevations”.


2021/1498 2 - 4 Rufus Street, N1 6PE Display of one internally illuminated projecting sign Advertisement Consent (Louise Prew)

Object. The Shopfront design guide is applicable to all listed buildings and conservation areas in Hackney and states “avoid projecting signs”. This proposed sign would be out of place on a traditional building and will contribute to an already-cluttered facade (there is already an unsightly projecting sign on the same building for a business on the ground floor). The existing facade and that awful metal door could do with decluttering and a clean-up! The sign has already been installed, therefore this is a retrospective planning application which indicates either ignorance of or attempt to bypass the planning process


2021/1921 24 Kingsland Road, E2 8DA Replacement of felt roof coverings with standing seam zinc, alterations to rear dormers; insertion of two roof lights, formation of rear roof terrace to third floor level with associated metal balustrades and privacy screen; replacement of windows to front and rear with double glazed timber sash windows incorporating acoustic glazing; restoration of front facade Full Planning Permission (Danny Huber)

No Objection.


2021/2077 Storm, 159 - 161 Shoreditch High Street, E1 6HU Display of one externally illuminated advertisement wrap on the southern elevation of the building. Advertisement Consent (Louise Prew)

Object. This building already blights Shoreditch High St. Advertising revenue on the west and north sides of the building have enabled the owner to neglect the building for over a decade. There is absolutely no reason to increase harm to the townscape whilst rewarding the owner with an increased revenue stream. SCAAC policy is to reject all such advertising consents. “Under Hackney’s own draft management plan for the conservation area, the use of large scale adverts ‘is not considered acceptable and appear incongruous with the SSCA.’ Further, ‘the addition of adverts harmfully affects the visual amenity of the area’. (8.12)


2021/2130 7 Garden Walk, EC2A 3EW Proposal for the removal of the existing non-compliant cladding materials, and replacement with compliant cladding materials and associated works. Full Planning Permission (Kim Aukett)

No Objection.


2021/2141 1 - 3 Mundy Street, N1 6QT Renovation of B1 office space, alterations and replacement windows Full Planning Permission (Gerard Livett)

Objection. The existing facade, while a modern adaptation, is a good design and does not detract from the conservation area. The new proposal including a frameless wall of glass results in significant loss of character for this little street. The townscape will become more of an urban block rather than a small street/alley leading to a historic square. The proposed changes are out of keeping with the conservation area and a poor design. The application documents are lacking in any detail. In particular the design and access statement is incredibly slight - just a few sentences - and provides no detail other than describing the glass wall as a ’shopfront’.


2021/2243 Wing On Express Ltd, 88 Hoxton Street, N1 6LP Installation of externally illuminated fascia sign Advertisement Consent (Micheal Garvey)

NO OBJECTION to the sign, but as mentioned - OBJECT to the roller shutter in application 2021/1427.


2021/1168 Alexander Russell House, 50 Great Eastern Street, EC2A 3EP Change of use of basement from hot food takeaway (Sui Generis) to a studio unit (Use Class C3) Full Planning Permission (Alix Hauser)

We would like more information on this.


2021/1789 23 - 28 Penn Street, N1 5DL Change of use of four ground floor units and the basement from offices (Use Class E) and storage (Use Class B8) storage to a music school (Use Class F1) with single storey side infill extension and external alterations to front elevation at basement level Full Planning Permission (Louise Prew)

No Objection

This page was added on 16/09/2021.