Shoreditch CAAC November 2022

Planning Applications for Shoreditch CAAC meeting for November 2022


2022/2245 180 - 182 Shoreditch High Street, E1 6HY Variation of condition 2 (Approved Drawings) of Listed Building Consent 2021/2554 granted on 16 March 2022. The proposal is for the combination of tw o approved retail units into one and a number of internal changes to the listed building. Listed Building Consent (Nick Bovaird)

NO COMMENT but we have noted that the application2022/2252 is effectively a new planning application


2022/2459 Cleeve Workshops Boundary Street, E2 7JD Refurbishment of existing workshops, erection of three new buildings (Class B1) in the courtyard, and other associated external alterations to include hard and soft landscaping related to planning reference: 2019/1596 Listed Building Consent (Danny Huber)

OBJECTION subject to clarification


2022/1657 London, EC1V 1JT Erection of a single storey roof extension to facilitate the creation of 143sqm of office floorspace (Class E), extension of existing staircase and lift core and upgrade to existing building services within new enclosure. Full Planning Permission (Danny Huber)



2022/2407 Ground Floor, 134 - 146 Curtain Road, EC2A 3AR Internal Strip-Out works for ground, first, second, third and fourth level office area, comprising the disconnection, removal and disposal of existing mechanical, electrical, and public health systems, modern partitions and finishes and light fittings. Listed Building Consent (Gerard Livett)



2022/2207 Art Buro, 73 Rivington Street, EC2A 3AY Signage replacement Advertisement Consent (Gerard Livett)

We approve of the signage but we OBJECT to the External Bench which will cause street clutter


2022/2130 First Floor, 147 - 149 Curtain Road, EC2A 3QE Change of use of the first floor from a tattoo artist studio (Use Class Sui Generis) to residential flat (Use Class C3). Full Planning Permission (Erin Glancy)



2022/2441 6 - 8 Luke Street, EC2A 4XY Installation of roof top Photovoltaic Panels, installation of roof-top boundary planting, extension of existing roof top plant enclosure, alterations to entrances, removal of services entrance, new Crittall windows, alterations to the fenestration and staining of existing dark brick window sills, lintels and surrounds together with associated works. Full Planning Permission (James Clark)



2022/2464 171 Hoxton Street, N1 6PJ Alterations to the shopfront. Full Planning Permission (Erin Glancy)

NO OBJECTION and congratulations to the applicant for an improved restoration bubject to suitable materials being used.


2022/1140 Union Car Parks Ltd, 40 - 54 Leonard Street, EC2A 4LT Temporary change of use for a period of three years from open site car park (sui generis) to mixed-use hospitality (Class E) and retail (Class E); Erection of part single, part two storey buildings at lower ground floor level adjacent to Leonard Street, Erection of single storey building at centre of site; Landscaping to include raised seating areas, car and cycle parking and tree planting. Full Planning Permission (Nick Bovaird)

STRONG OBJECTION to the proposal. There are doubts that the temporary nature of the application will be observed and there is doubt about the integrity of the buildings proposed. This will also adversely the nature of the Conservation Area in this location.


2022/2299 Basement And Ground Floor, 36 Great Eastern Street, EC2A 3ES Application for a retrospective change of use from Class E (restaurant) to Sui generis (restaurant and take-away). Full Planning Permission (James Clark)

NO OBJECTION but the SCAAC would appreciate pre-existing drawings being made available for clarity.


2022/2369 167 - 169 Kingsland Road, Hackney Change of use of part ground floor from Class E(e) (specifically doctors/dentist surgeries) to Class E and the change of use of the first and second floors from Class E(e) (specifically doctors/dentist surgeries) to Class C3 (residential) to 7 flats. Full Planning Permission (Micheal Garvey)



2022/2471 Units 31 And 32, Dorchester House Bridport Place, N1 5FH Retrospective advertisement consent for the installation of; 2 x fascia signs with external illumination; 1 x non-illuminated fascia sign; 10 x vinyl stickers on windows and doors. Advertisement Consent (Catherine Nichol)

OBJECTION because the signage is contrary to the Hackney Shopfront Design Guide. The pavement incursion creates pedestrian hazard and it looks visually messy.


2022/2461 33 - 34 Hoxton Square, N1 6NN Installation of internally illuminated fascia sign. Advertisement Consent (Jonathan Bainbridge)

OBJECTION. The South Shoreditch Conservation Area Management Plan section on Hoxton Square identifies one of the threats to the area as "...signage (which) can dominate the square detracting away from the character area." (9.6.2) While the handful of restaurants/bars fronting the Square do have illuminated signs, none of the offices do. Allowing this one would create a most unwelcome precedent. The proposed sign is significantly larger than the existing signage. The proposed internal illumination is in contravention of Hackney's Shopfront Design Guide for Conservation Areas. Finally, we question the environmental appropriateness of the proposed daytime illumination in terms of energy use and carbon emissions.


2022/2084 Stores At 9-15 Land At Regan Way And Crondall Street, N1 6PH Variation of condition 2 (Development not in accordance) of planning permission 2018/4205 dated 14/11/2019 for Demolition of existing garages and erection of 3 storey building to provide 6 self-contained dwellings (use class C3) In relation to alterations to i ncrease in height of building, alterations to fenestration, increase in cil heights raised to 900mm; replacement of fibre c-core board with render; rendered panel between site and Regan Yard gap; alterations to rear stairwell to east elevation Removal/Variation of Condition(s) (Micheal Garvey)

OBJECTION. This area is subject to flooding and we feel that this variation will exacibate this condition.

This page was added on 13/11/2022.